Evergreen Variety PSAs

amyh15 · Evergreen Variety PSAs

About the Project: These public service announcements were done as part of a collaborative project with five other interns at The Evergreen State College.  Evergreen Variety consisted of three one-hour live shows that were being filmed at the Center for Creative and Applied Media Studio, and the following PSAs were done at KAOS Community Radio 89.3 FM, and aired on the station to promote the upcoming winter quarter intern project.  More information on the show itself can be found here.

The voiceovers for the PSAs were done by myself and two other interns, and I wrote the scripts and edited all the PSAs together using Audacity 1.3.13 and select songs from the KAOS music library.  The PSAs had to be either 30 seconds or one minute long, and each PSA was recorded and edited in a few days.

Equipment Used: Audacity 1.3.13, KAOS Community Radio’s studio equipment (soundboard, shotgun microphone, CD players).

Photos from inside the recording studio can be found below.