About the Project: “The Story of Stageworks Northwest” is a 30 minute documentary about the history of the Stageworks Northwest Theatre in Longview, Washington, with future plans for the historic building and organization. The video comes together with historic photographs and video, staged musical performance audio, interviews with current and past board members and citizens of Cowlitz county, and documented video footage of building renovations and other accommodating footage. Several short videos were also made in addition to the 30 minute documentary. These include short PSAs, a two minute overview of the Children’s After School Theatre (C.A.S.T.) Program, and a condensed 9 minute overview used for presentations (see video below).

Equipment Used: These videos were filmed with a JVC GY-HM100U camera. Other equipment used includes lavalier microphones, XLR cables, a small Lowell light kit, tripod, various DVD players, and headphones. Software used includes Final Cut Pro 7, Compressor, DVD Studio Pro, and Photoshop CS6.

My Roles: I took on all roles from pre-production to post-production and distribution. I met with Tim Cusick, the current Board President of Stageworks Northwest (2013), and Jim Johnston, another board member, to discuss plans for the video and what message they wanted to convey. We scheduled and conducted/ filmed the interviews and I met with them to review footage and various edited rough cuts before the final products were completed. Finally, the 30 minute documentary was screened at one of Stagework’s board meetings, and DVD labels/ DVDs were created to spread Stageworks’ message. The videos continue to be used as orientations to the theatre group and at presentation meetings, and I have also filmed and edited together several staged performances for the Children’s After School Theatre (C.A.S.T.) Program.

More Information: More information about the Longview Stageworks Northwest theatre can be found here.